- Title: Larkiyon Ki Diary Book By Sabir Chaudhry
- Author: Sabir Chaudhry
- Pages: 208 Good Quality Pages With Hard Binding
- Language: Urdu
- Girls Diary , Female Problems , Female Struggling , Female Life
Step into the world of 'Larkiyon Ki Diary,' an insightful book penned by the talented author Sabir Choudhry. This Urdu gem comprises 208 high-quality pages, each thoughtfully bound within a durable hardcover. Within its pages, 'Larkiyon Ki Diary' delves into the intricate and often unspoken aspects of a girl's life. It explores the unique challenges, struggles, and experiences that shape their journey, shedding light on female problems with empathy and understanding. This book offers a captivating glimpse into the diverse and inspiring world of the modern woman.