- Title: Quwat e Iradi Urdu Book
- Translator: Abdual wahab zahori
- Category: Self help , Motivational, Quotations , Urdu , Urdu books, Urdu
- Language : Urdu
- Pages: 112
- Page Quality: Good
- Binding: Hard
- Top Selling
- Reader choice
- Best book
Quwat e Iradi (The Power of Intention) is well known reader choice book now available in Urdu translation as well. Quwat-e-iradi is hot selling book among readers. this book is belongs to powerful categories likes self help and motivation. By this book writer tries to explain the role of intention in building person life. By achieving this power person can accomplish any task or can cross any river no matter how deep the water is. you can also unleash your inner self intention by reading this powerful book so don't miss the chance and buy your copy now.